About us
In January 2015, the “Association for a Democratic Culture in Berlin” (VDK e.V.) founded the “Department for Research and Information on Antisemitism Berlin” (RIAS Berlin). Alongside Jewish and non-Jewish organizations, RIAS Berlin has built up a Berlin-wide network for reporting antisemitic incidents.
The central principle of RIAS Berlin’s work is confidentiality: the persons affected decide what should be done with their reports.
As a contact point for victims of antisemitic incidents, RIAS Berlin is an advocate for their perspectives. That way, RIAS Berlin sensitizes society for the experiences and needs of the Jewish community with regard to antisemitism.
RIAS Berlin follows a victim-oriented approach and focuses on the needs and perception of those affected by antisemitism, their relatives or the witnesses of an incident. RIAS Berlin also records incidents that have not been reported to the police or do not constitute criminal acts, publishes these in accordance to the wishes of the victims and helps victims and witnesses find competent psycho-social, legal, anti-discrimination, victim or process counseling. RIAS Berlin thus enables victims and witnesses to use the strengths of civil society for their specific situation: At their request, civil society can make the authorities or political and media actors attentive to their experiences, and initiate a process towards solidarity.
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Phone | Office: +49 30 817 985 821 |
Address | RIAS Berlin c/o VDK e.V. Postfach 580 350, 10413 Berlin |
Other media | facebook.com/AntisemitismusRechercheBerlin instagram @rias.berlin |
Privacy | Appointee for privacy |
To facilitate counselling oriented on the needs of the victims, and to ensure a comprehensive documentation of antisemitic incidents, RIAS Berlin co-operates with the following organisations:
counselling centre for victims of right-wing extremist, racist or anti-Semitic violence
Jewish Forum for Democracy and against Anti-Semitism
Mobile Counsel against Right-wing Extremism Berlin
Berliner Register
Berlin documentation-centres for recording right-wing extremist and discriminatory incidents
Competence Centre for Prevention and Empowerment at the Central Board of Jewish Welfare in Germany
Anti-Discrimination Network Berlin
Beratungsstelle bei antisemitischer Gewalt und Diskriminierung
RIAS Berlin also co-operates with the following organisations:
Jewish community of Berlin
Amadeu Antonio Foundation
AJC Berlin Ramer Institute
Kahal Adass Jisroel
Coordination Office for Stepping Stones, Berlin
Central Council of Jews in Germany
Moses Mendelssohn Center of European Studies (University of Potsdam)
Anne Frank Center
International Institute for Education and Research on Antisemitism (IIBSA)
Responsible body
Implemented by Verein für demokratische Kultur – VDK e.V.
RIAS Berlin is funded by the “Berlin Senate Department for Labor, Social Affairs, Equity, Inclusion, Diversity and Anti-Discrimination“ through the state program “Demokratie. Vielfalt. Respekt. Gegen Rechtsextremismus, Rassismus und Antisemitismus” (“Democracy. Diversity. Respect. Against Far Right Extremism, Racism, and Antisemitism”) as well as by the Amadeu Antonio Foundation.