About us

On 31st October 2018 the “Federal Association of Departments for Research and Information on Antisemitism” (Bundesverband der Recherche- und Informationsstellen Antisemitismus e.V.) was founded in Berlin. Its aim is to use the reporting portal www.report-antisemitism.de to ensure consistent recording and documentation of antisemitic incidents by civil society throughout Germany. In doing so, the Federal Association draws on the working methods and technologies developed by the “Association for a Democratic Culture in Berlin” (VDK e.V.) since 2015. The Federal Association RIAS e.V. initiates and supports the establishment of regional reporting and support networks and trains new civil society projects whose main purpose is the civil society recording of antisemitic incidents in Germany.

The regional registration offices meet regularly within the framework of a federal working group of the Federal Association in order to standardize existing working methods and further develop the quality standards of the work.

In particular, the Federal Association promotes trust and, associated with this, the willingness of Jews and persons perceived as Jews to make use of civil society reporting and support services.

Close and continuous cooperation with the Central Council of Jews in Germany, the regional associations of the Jewish communities and the Competence Centre for Prevention and Empowerment at the Central Welfare Office of Jews in Germany (ZWST e.V.) and other Jewish organisations is central to this concern. At the same time, continuous consultation with the existing advisory and support services of victim counselling, mobile counselling and anti-discrimination counselling is central to the success of a gradually developing nationwide reporting and support network.

Background and funding

Since March 2017, the VDK e.V. has been working together with the ZWST e.V. to set up a nationwide coordination office for the civil society recording of antisemitic incidents using funds from the "Bundesprogramm Demokratie Leben!“ Within the framework of this project, dense problem descriptions of regional manifestations of antisemitic incidents were not only compiled in Bavaria, Hesse and Brandenburg, but incident reports were also processed nationwide.

The Potsdam “Moses-Mendelssohn Centre for European Jewish Studies“ (MMZ) and the “International Institute for Education and Research on Antisemitism“ (IIBSA), based in Berlin, provided scientific support for the project.

The Bundesverband RIAS is funded by the Federal Ministry of the Interior and Community on the basis of a resolution of the German Bundestag. The Bundesverband RIAS is also funded by: Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth as part of the federal program Live Democracy, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, the Stiftung Deutsche Kassenlotterie Berlin, the European Union, the Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany, the Foundation Remembrance, Responsibility, Future and the Federal Ministry of Finance.




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Phone Tollfree number for reports: 0 800 0 32 32 63
(from Germany only, Monday to Friday, 10 am – 5 pm)
Office: +49 30 817 985 818
Address Bundesverband RIAS e.V.
Postfach 580 350, 10413 Berlin
Other media twitter.com/Report_Antisem
facebook.com/Bundesverband RIAS

Data protection officer


27 / 657 / 54940

Bank account

GLS Gemeinschaftsbank
IBAN DE69 4306 0967 1231 8761 02


To facilitate counselling oriented on the needs of the victims, and to ensure a comprehensive documentation of antisemitic incidents, RIAS Berlin co-operates with the following organisations:

RIAS Berlin also co-operates with the following organisations:

Der Bundesverband RIAS e.V. ist Mitglied im Kompetenznetzwerk Antisemitismus

The network offers numerous options in the fields of Analyse, education and consulting, which are further developed through cooperation and knowledge transfer between the network partners.



Federal Association RIAS is funded by

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Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.


With Assistance from the Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany. Supported by the Foundation Remembrance, Responsibility and Future and by the German Federal Ministry of Finance.

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  • Bundesverband RIAS
  • RIAS Bayern
  • RIAS Berlin
  • RIAS Niedersachsen
  • RIAS Thüringen
  • RIAS Sachsen
  • RIAS Sachsen-Anhalt
  • RIAS Hessen


  • Bundesverband RIAS e.V.
    IBAN: DE69 4306 0967 1231 8761 02
    GLS Gemeinschaftsbank
